Az EUmies-díj 2024 kiállítása Madridban

Az EUmies-díj 2024 kiállítása Madridban

2024. június 28-tól szeptember 22-ig az Építészet Házában

EUmies Awards 2024 exhibition in Madrid
At La Casa de la Arquitectura from June 28 to September 22

The exhibition of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024, presented in Barcelona last May, begins its journey and makes its first stop at La Casa de la Arquitectura in Madrid.

If you are in Madrid, or can go in the coming months, you have the opportunity to learn in detail - with models, videos, photographs and texts - the 40 works that the jury selected as representatives of the best European architecture of the last two years, and especially the finalist works and the winners of the EUmies Awards 2024: the Study Pavilion on the campus of TU Braunschweig, the work of Berlin architects Gustav Düsing and Max Hacke, and the Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona by SUMA Arquitectura. The finalist works were the Plato Contemporary Art Gallery in Ostrava by KWK Promes, the rebirth of the convent of Santa Lucía di Tallà by Amelia Tavella Architectes, Hage in Lund by Brendeland & Kristoffersen architects and Price & Myers, the Reggio School in Madrid by ANDRES JAQUE / OFFICE FOR POLITICAL INNOVATION and the Square and Tourist Office of Piódão de Branco del Rio.

Remember that you can also see all the selected and nominated works in the eumiesawards.com archive or in the EUmiesawards App, which will show you how to get there and shortly in the corresponding publication with unpublished texts and documents.