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Európa legjobb épületei - EUmies Awards 2024 kiállítás Bécsben

Európa legjobb épületei - EUmies Awards 2024 kiállítás Bécsben

Az Architekturzentrum Wien-ben 2024. október 3-tól 2025. január 20-ig.

Megnyitó: 2024.10.02. szerda 19.00 órakor.
Lásd még: https://www.azw.at/de

Europas Beste Bauten – EUmies Awards 2024 Exhibition in Vienna
At Architekturzentrum Wien from October 3 to January 20
Opening 02.10.2024 at 7pm.

The exhibition of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024 that opened in Barcelona and has travelled to Madrid, is now stopping in Vienna.

The Architekturzentrum Wien is hosting the exhibition under the title of Europas Beste Bauten and we would like to invite you to the opening on October 2 at 7pm.

The exhibition presents the 362 nominated works of this edition, highlighting the 40 works shortlisted by the jury and presenting more detailed and extensive information about the winners and finalists. The exhibition shows how the architects want to express their own ideas and exploit the potential of what architecture can become in a society that is changing in a very radical way. It is a faithful picture of what architecture is today in relation to society.

Among the shortlisted works there are two from Austria: the Neubaugasse Townhouse in Vienna by PSLA Architekten and IKEA Wien Westbahnhof by querkraft architekten. 13 other works built in Austria are also presented in the exhibition.

On the occasion of the opening, the EUmies Awards 2024 publication will be presented for the first time together with the documentary “What can architecture do?”. The latter shares the thoughts of the jury and all those people that have made the winner and finalist works possible.