Barcelona 2026 World Capital of Architecture

Barcelona 2026 World Capital of Architecture

Nyílt pályázati felhívás az UNESCO-UIA által meghirdetett „Barcelona 2026 World Capital of Architecture” programjára!
Regisztrációs határidő: 2024. október 15-ig.
Minden információt, a felhívási szabályokat és a regisztrációs űrlapot megtalálja a www.barcelona.cat/capitalmundialarquitectura oldalon!
Vegyen részt! Önnek is van valami mondanivalója!

Open call to submit proposals for the programming of Barcelona 2026 World Capital of Architecture
Registration deadline: until October 15

We are launching an open call to everyone who wants to contribute their proposal to the program of activities of Barcelona 2026 World Capital of Architecture.

Barcelona has been named World Capital of Architecture 2026 by UNESCO-UIA. The capital is a great event focused on the dissemination of the values ​​and transformative capacity of architecture, urban planning and landscaping, and will offer throughout ten months a very wide range of activities in the ten districts of Barcelona.

To complete the program and with the aim of setting up a wide and plural offer aimed at all audiences, we open this call, promoted by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe - Barcelona City Council, and invite all entities and institutions dedicated to the architecture, town planning, landscaping and spatial design, but also those of the other technical, scientific, social, humanistic and artistic disciplines, to participate in the creation of proposals to be included in the programme.

You will find all the information, the call rules and the registration form at www.barcelona.cat/capitalmundialarquitectura. Participate! You also have something to say!